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Website Monday: Our Weekly Videos and Articles

  Publisher : Bernice   30 May 2022 00:00

In today's Website Monday post we've decided to shed some light on the new content that we are posting on our site and socials on a weekly basis. Over the past weeks and months we've been stressing the importance of frequent and varied content in order to keep audiences engaged and interested. Well....we are obviously practising what we preach too, and here's how we are doing it!

1. Website Monday

Here we are....this is exactly what we are talking about! Every Monday we are sharing tips on how you can use the Schools & Agents website better and more effectively. Previous articles that we have shared in the past weeks have included tips on how to use our Members Directory, tips on how to connect with agents through our website, and tips on how to make better use of your memberships and especially of member articles, among others. Stay tuned every Monday for more tips on how to use the Schools & Agents website better...and if you have any questions in the meantime, do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are always happy to help!

2. How to Tuesday

Our How to Tuesday articles have been around the longest. In fact, we started sharing these articles last year and since then we've given you tens of tips on various topics, such as on how to optimize your digital marketing and how to send more effective email campaigns, among others. However, the majority of these "How to Tuesday" articles generally turn the spotlight on to social media because we feel that our industry needs to learn how to make better use of this tool. If you go to our News Articles section, and type in the phrase "How to Tuesday" in the Search bar, all the How to Tuesday articles we've ever posted, will come up in a list for you to browse through and read as you please. 

3. Feature Friday

Our third piece of new content is an article that we share every Friday. These articles are there to highlight industry happenings and feature specific organisations and service providers that would have something specific to share or celebrate. In short, our Feature Friday articles are there to celebrate our industry which is still thriving, still very much alive, and still strong - an industry which ought to be celebrated!

4. Our latest addition - Weekly Videos

In our recent meetings and seminars we stressed the importance of varied content on social media channels. Here's how we are spicing ours up! Apart from the content that we spoke about in the previous three points, which doesn't just come in the form of articles but also comes in the form of fresh new images created from one week to the next, we have also started sharing with you more video content. This comes in the form of live broadcasts, which are streamed live on our Facebook page (P.S. don't forget to like it), and also more frequent Instagram reels. Stay tuned for more!


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