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Schools & Agents Bulletin: Highlights of the Week

  Publisher : Stephanie Clark   24 June 2024 09:00

Hi everyone! Following the recent excitement of the unveiling of our new website, we hope that you’ve had a chance to explore it – check out our reveal video here if you haven’t already. This week we’d like to share a few snippets of news from the Schools & Agents world.

1. New website feedback

We’ve been delighted to receive so much positive feedback about the new website from our industry partners. A small number did experience login issues initially, but our IT team promptly resolved that bug. However, if you do encounter any other technical hiccups, please let us know so we can sort them out right away.

2. Email maintenance is over 

Our email systems underwent some maintenance over the past week, which may have caused delivery delays or non-delivery for some messages. Everything should be operating smoothly again now, so feel free to reach out if you need to resend any important communications our way.

3. Peak summer season has begun

Summer is officially in full swing here in Malta with temperatures already climbing into the mid-30s! Like much of Europe, we’re also caught up in EURO 2024 football fever as the tournament continues. Summertime also brings with it the peak season for student enrollments across our industry and we’re happy to hear from many of our partners that they are seeing a solid influx of bookings – this is always very welcome news and we hope things continue this way!

That’s all for now, but as always, we’ll keep providing you with the latest industry news, insights and events via our new website and social media channels. Stay tuned, and we’ll be back with the next edition of the S&A Bulletin next week! 

Written by Stephanie Clark


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