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Marketing Monday: Engage Your Audience with Seasonal Content Planning this Summer

  Publisher : Stephanie Clark   24 June 2024 07:30

Summertime presents a prime opportunity to captivate prospective students with well-planned, seasonal content that keeps them invested in your brand during the busy summer months. In this week’s Marketing Monday article, let’s look at tips for keeping engagement rates high with seasonal content planning. 

Embrace the summer spirit

A great way of resonating with your international audience is by sharing content that taps into the carefree spirit of summer. For example, language schools can highlight school life during the warmer months by showcasing classes and social events being held outdoors, such as class picnics, sporting events and visits to open-air markets. Share visuals of students enjoying summery activities together while developing their language skills – this will not only appeal to adult students, but also parents seeking engaging activities for their children.

Keep on top of trending topics

Another tip is to align your content with popular summer trends and cultural events. International agencies, for instance, could create content around summer travel destinations, offering tips for immersive language learning experiences. Likewise, universities and schools can capitalise on trending hashtags like #SummerVibes or #SummerGoals, incorporating pop culture references or even viral memes to capture attention and spark engagement. Highlight summer-themed events or activities on your campus or in your community to showcase the vibrant atmosphere.

Nurture your audience’s dreams

Summer is often a time for goal-setting, making it an ideal opportunity to tap into your audience’s aspirations. For example, universities could share inspirational stories of alumni who pursued their passions during their summer breaks, whether through internships, research projects, or entrepreneurial ventures. It’s also the perfect opportunity to showcase your institution’s unique offerings that align with student dreams and ambitions, like study abroad programmes, specialised summer courses, or hands-on learning experiences.

By strategically planning your seasonal content, you can maintain a strong connection with your international audience during the summer rush. Capitalise on the fun spirit of the season to keep prospective students engaged and excited about the opportunities your institution or agency provides.

Written by Stephanie Clark

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