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Marketing Monday: Tips For Great Landing Pages (Part 1)

  Publisher : Lynne   08 May 2023 14:00

Did you know your landing page can be designed to drive more traffic to your website? This Marketing Monday we’re sharing Part 1 of the best practices for landing pages that attract more visitors. 

Craft a Winning Headline

The first thing a client sees on your landing page is the headline, so it’s important to write headlines that sell. Avoid anything too ambiguous or that doesn’t describe your services accurately. A great headline should be concise and eye-catching, and convey the benefits of what you offer. This will make users more likely to stay on the page. It’s also key to include a keyword you are targeting in order to help you rank higher in search engines and boost your visibility online, so keep search engine optimisation (SEO) in mind.

Create Eye-Catching CTAs

Your call to action (CTA) is the action you want visitors to take after landing on your page. This could mean filling out a contact form, making a purchase, or subscribing to your newsletter. To convince clients to click on your CTA, ensure it is prominent and engaging. Steer clear of boring terms like “Submit” or “Get started”, and focus on compelling copy which makes it clear what the user will be receiving, such as “Send me the newsletter” or “Get my free trial.” In terms of design, it’s vital that your CTA button stands out from its surroundings to draw the maximum amount of attention, so try experimenting with contrasting colours.

Simplify Your Forms

Contact forms should be easy-to-use and concise. Too many fields to fill out can easily turn a user away and lead to a drop in conversation rate, so only ask for the information you really need. You might also consider giving visitors the option of filling out information via their social media accounts or Gmail, to make it easier for busy clients.

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