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Guardianship Services Webinar on Saturday 13th May at 9.00am UK time

  Publisher : Bernice   04 May 2023 15:13

Pippa's Guardians are delighted to invite you and your clients to their next Guardianship Services Webinar on Saturday 13th May at 9.00am UK time. Agents are most welcome to send the invitation directly to their clients and/or display it on their website. Clients are asked to book their place using the link here.

We really enjoy meeting lots of families at our guardianship services webinars. Attendees will have a chance to meet the Pippa’s team in person. We understand that choosing the correct guardianship service can be an anxious time and we aim to give your families the reassurance they need to be confident that we will look after their child – keeping them safe and happy - when they are far from home. During the webinar attendees will be able to ask questions and hear the answers to other families questions too.  If, in the meantime you or your clients have any questions, please do ask, it will be our pleasure to help you. 

Rachel Wright                                                                                                                      

Mobile and WhatsApp: (+44) 7512 311181

WeChat ID: Admissions_Pippas

Office:  (+44) 1684252757

24/7 Duty Support: (+44) 7721 372865 for emergencies and urgent assistance    

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