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Accreditation for Spanish Courses with Mundo Spanish School in Antigua, Guatemala

  Publisher : Bernice   25 June 2024 15:00

Are you looking to enhance your language skills while earning college credit? Look no further than the accredited Spanish courses offered through Brookhaven College in collaboration with Mundo Spanish School, located in Antigua, Guatemala. Designed to cater to the needs of students seeking quality education and academic recognition, these courses provide a pathway to proficiency in Spanish while earning official college credits.

Location and Accreditation

Based in Dallas, Texas, Brookhaven College stands as a beacon of academic excellence, accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). This accreditation ensures that the education provided meets rigorous standards and guarantees the transferability of credits to various universities and institutions nationwide. Partnering with Mundo Spanish School, Brookhaven College extends its accreditation to Spanish language programs, offering students a recognized avenue to further their academic pursuits.

Course Offerings and Descriptions

Whether you're a beginner or aiming for advanced fluency, our Spanish courses cater to all proficiency levels. Below are the course offerings along with their descriptions:

  1. Introduction to Spanish (SPAN 101): This course provides a foundation in Spanish language skills, focusing on basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversational proficiency. Students will develop essential communication skills for everyday interactions.

  2. Intermediate Spanish (SPAN 201): Building upon the fundamentals established in SPAN 101, this course delves deeper into grammar structures, expands vocabulary, and enhances listening and speaking abilities. Cultural insights are also integrated to provide a holistic learning experience.

  3. Advanced Spanish (SPAN 301): Designed for students with a strong foundation in Spanish, this course emphasizes advanced grammar concepts, complex linguistic structures, and in-depth cultural exploration. Proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension is refined to a higher level.

Credit Transfer and Academic Recognition

Upon successful completion of these Spanish courses, students are eligible to receive college credit on an official transcript issued by Brookhaven College. These credits are transferable to any university that accepts Brookhaven credit, providing students with flexibility in their academic journey. Additionally, the Spanish programs offered through Brookhaven College qualify for the AmeriCorps Education Award, further enhancing the value of the educational experience.

Application Process

To apply for college credit through Brookhaven College, students must follow these instructions:

  1. Obtain Advance Approval: It is essential to seek advance approval from your home institution to ensure that the credits earned will be accepted. Each district, college, university, or state may have its own policies regarding credit transfer.

  2. Enroll in Spanish Courses: Select the desired Spanish courses based on your proficiency level and academic goals. Mundo Spanish School offers a supportive learning environment with experienced instructors dedicated to your success.

  3. Complete Course Requirements: Attend classes regularly, participate actively, and fulfill all course requirements to demonstrate proficiency in the Spanish language.

  4. Request Transcript: Once the course is completed, request an official transcript from Brookhaven College, which will reflect the earned college credits.

By following these steps, students can seamlessly integrate Spanish language learning into their academic curriculum, gaining valuable skills while earning recognized college credits.

In conclusion, the accreditation of Spanish courses through Brookhaven College opens doors to academic opportunities and personal growth. Whether you're pursuing a degree or simply expanding your language skills, these courses provide a structured pathway to success. Embrace the richness of the Spanish language and embark on a journey towards linguistic fluency and cultural understanding with Brookhaven College and Mundo Spanish School.


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