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How to Get to Rouen in a Sustainable Way

  Publisher : Bernice   01 July 2024 10:00

Rouen, the historic capital of Normandy, is home to French in Normandy IH Rouen, a language school that combines high-quality French education with a strong commitment to sustainability. For eco-conscious learners, here are the best ways to reach this picturesque city while minimising your carbon footprint.

By train: The greenest option

Train travel is the most sustainable way to reach Rouen from across Europe. The city is well-connected to Paris, with frequent high-speed trains making the journey in just over an hour. From Paris, you can easily connect to major European cities like London, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt. Travelling by train not only reduces emissions, but also allows you to enjoy scenic views of the French countryside.

Bus travel: Budget-friendly and eco-conscious

For budget travellers, long-distance buses are another green alternative. Companies like FlixBus, for example, operate routes to Rouen from various European cities, such as Milan, Munich, Prague and more. While slower than trains, buses are often more affordable and still significantly reduce per-passenger carbon emissions compared to flying or driving alone.

Cycling: For the thrill seekers

For those based nearby or up for a challenge, cycling to Rouen can be a rewarding experience. The city is part of several long-distance cycling routes, including the Seine à Vélo, which connects Paris to the Normandy coast.

Sustainable learning at French in Normandy IH Rouen

When you arrive, you’ll find that French in Normandy IH Rouen reflects the same commitment to sustainability in its operations. As one of the first French language schools to join Green Standard Schools, it boasts paperless classrooms, eco-friendly decor, and integrates environmental topics into its curriculum.

By choosing a green travel option to Rouen, you’re not just reducing your carbon footprint – you’re aligning with the values of a school dedicated to combining language education with environmental responsibility. Contact French in Normandy IH Rouen today to find out more about eco-friendly language courses!

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