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Unlock Your Teaching Potential with the Cambridge CELTA Course at IH Bristol

  Publisher : Bernice   26 June 2024 07:34

Are you looking to embark on a rewarding career in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)? The Cambridge CELTA course in the UK offered by IH Bristol provides the perfect foundation. As the first professional qualification for TEFL, the CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is recognised globally and is your gateway to teaching opportunities around the world.

Who Can Apply?

The CELTA course at IH Bristol attracts a diverse group of participants, including:

  • Native and non-native English speakers
  • College graduates
  • Professionals seeking a career change
  • Teachers of other subjects
  • Individuals looking to live and work abroad through TEFL
  • Gap-year students

Entry Requirements

To enrol in the CELTA course at IH Bristol, applicants must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Possess A-levels or an equivalent educational standard
  • Demonstrate an awareness of language and a competence in both written and spoken English necessary to undertake the course
  • Show potential to successfully complete the written assignments and assessed teaching practice

For non-native English speakers, a proficiency level of C2 or high C1 (grade A or B in Cambridge Advanced or an IELTS score of 7.5 and above) is required.

Course Structure

The CELTA course in the UK at IH Bristol is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to secure a TEFL position globally. The course includes:

  • 120 hours of class time
  • 6 hours of supervised teaching practice (TP)

What You Will Learn

The CELTA syllabus at IH Bristol covers five key areas:

  1. Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context
  2. Language analysis and awareness
  3. Language skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing
  4. Planning and resources for different teaching contexts
  5. Developing teaching skills and professionalism

The course runs from 9am to 5pm each day, with additional support sessions in the afternoons as needed.

Practical Training and Resources

At IH Bristol, our CELTA course is highly practical, ensuring you gain confidence and competence in the classroom. Our extensive resources include:

  • A well-stocked study room with a variety of TEFL materials
  • Opportunities to interact with international students from around the world
  • Guidance from experienced TEFL teachers who are also examiners and materials writers
  • Career advice to help you navigate the TEFL job market successfully

Meet Our Trainers

Our trainers at IH Bristol have been delivering high-quality teacher training for over a decade. As part of the International House network, which trains about half of all CELTA graduates worldwide each year, our trainers ensure consistency and excellence in teaching standards.

Application Process

To apply for the CELTA course in the UK at IH Bristol, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the online application form here.
  2. If you meet the entry requirements, you will receive a Pre-Interview Task.
  3. Attend an interview, which can be conducted in person or via Zoom/Skype.
  4. If successful, secure your place with a £250 deposit.
  5. Complete the Pre-Course Task before starting the course.

For more details on upcoming CELTA dates and to apply, visit IH Bristol's CELTA course page.

Start Your TEFL Journey Today

The CELTA course at IH Bristol not only prepares you for a successful career in TEFL but also offers a unique and enriching learning experience. Join us and become part of a global community of TEFL teachers. For more information and to apply, visit our CELTA course page today.

By choosing IH Bristol for your CELTA course in the UK, you are investing in a high-quality, comprehensive programme that will open doors to teaching opportunities worldwide

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