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How-To Tuesdays: Understand and Use Customer Satisfaction

Published Lynne on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 9:47 AM

How-To Tuesdays: Understand and Use Customer Satisfaction

It would be safe to say that the more a customer is happy the more a business thrives… and that’s where ‘Customer Satisfaction’ comes into play. This is a concept to live by and critical especially in the travel education industry as it is focuses on the entire customer experience. Here are some areas you can work on, if you want to improve this aspect of your business:

Find out where you Stand Out

Customer satisfaction surveys play a crucial role in gathering all your data. One key factor for you to focus on when analyzing this data is the areas where according to your customers you are best at. Knowing who these customers are and what they appreciate can help you build more on it and retain those customers. Remember, it is always cheaper to maintain an existing customer than to acquire a new one.

Pinpoint your Shortcomings

In an ideal world, you never have any failures, however, that is highly unlikely. Carrying customer analysis can help you determine which areas you fall short in; improving on such areas helps you gain back any customers that you might have been on the brink of losing. Focusing on fixing the areas you lack in will help avoid any bad reviews too.

Focus on your Loyal Customers

From survey results, you can shortlist those clients that are loyal to you and more likely to recommend you to others. You may want to encourage these customers into becoming advocates for your brand, by rewarding them; give them incentives for referrals or for testimonials they post. Having a mutually beneficial relationship increases customer satisfaction and keeps them loyal.

Carrying out customer satisfaction surveys can help you identify your strong suits while highlighting the areas you need to work on. It also pushes your loyal customers to hand out positive feedback which in turn may bring more customers to you. Most importantly though, focusing on your customers’ needs shows them how much you consider their opinion and how important they are to you. Something like this gives them a sense of belonging which is what we all look for, after all. 

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